Creative, Persuasive and Disciplined

Blue State or Purple?

California is a reliably blue state in Presidential elections, but I describe it as purple in other statewide elections. Neither Democrats nor Republicans can claim a majority of California's voters, and Decline to State (or Independent) voters are the fastest growing portion of the electorate.

Add to that the large number of moderate voters -- Democrats, Republicans and Independents. These moderate voters decide most statewide elections. In public polling and on initiatives dealing with everything from taxes to marriage equality, these moderate voters have made their views known. That's why most statewide candidates run with a mainstream message designed to win over a majority of moderate voters - the purple electorate.

The respected Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) has published a new study, California's Political Geography, that details California's electoral trends in each region of the state. It's worth a look for anyone interested in California politics.